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Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

California state law has a system for funding public schools, including Raisin City Elementary School District.  In 2013, California approved the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), a new formula for determining how funds are given to each school district.  This change is seen as one of the most significant California education reforms of this generation.  LCFF requires all districts to focus on eight (8) identified areas for state priority.  In each of the 8 state priority areas, districts will need to analyze data and take action to support the success of all students. The eight (8) state priorities are: 1) Student Achievement, 2) Student Engagement, 3) Student Outcomes, 4) School Climate, 5) Parent Involvement, 6) Basic Services, 7) Implementation of Common Core State Standards, and 8) Course Access.

As part of the new funding formula, districts must set annual goals in eight specific areas.  These eight (8) areas of specified state priorities are intended to encompass the key ingredients of high quality educational programs.  The plan, known as the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), must include both district–wide goals and goals for each numerically significant student subgroup in the district.  To be numerically significant, a district must have at least 30 students in a subgroup, with the exception of foster youth, for which districts must have at least 15 students.  In addition to specified state priorities, districts’ LCAPs can include annual goals in self–selected areas of local priority.

Raisin City Elementary School District has engaged educational partners in all aspects of planning and development of the LCAP.  On-line LCAP surveys were also made available to elicit broad-based feedback from students, parents, staff and the community. Educational partners have contributed to the plan.